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Suspended Operations & College Closure


To the extent that this procedure addresses terms or provisions covered under collective bargaining agreements for represented employees, the terms of the collective bargaining agreements will control for those represented employees.

In the event of an emergency situation adversely affecting college operations, public health, or the wellbeing and safety of students, faculty or staff employees, the president may declare suspended operations or a temporary closure of any or all units of the college. Emergency situations that might affect such a closure decision include, but are not limited to severe weather conditions, natural disaster, fire or related hazard, and mechanical or equipment failure.

As a general policy, the college will limit any closure to those operations most directly affected by the emergency to preclude disruption to regular teaching and public service programs.

In the event that inclement weather or other circumstances create the need to change regularly scheduled WVC operations, college personnel and students should report to their campus or center at the delayed start time. If operations are suspended, only employees designated to perform emergency tasks report to work. Students and all other college personnel do not report to their campus.

Classes held in locations other than the main Wenatchee or Omak campuses will run or be cancelled based on accessibility to the buildings where those classes are scheduled. Instructors teaching classes in area K-12 schools should follow the closure procedures of those facilities. In the event of inclement weather or other countywide emergency, instructors should listen to local radio stations for the most current information about school building closures.


Closed campus: Classes are canceled, but college operations will continue and the college will be open for business. If an employee does not report to work, they must choose one of several leave options available to them (outlined below under Section D) or work from home if mutually agreed upon between the supervisor and employee.

Suspended operations: The procedure used to ensure the safety of public health, property and campus personnel when emergency conditions exist. Campus is closed to students and all non-essential personnel.


Employees, students and the general public will be notified of any changes from normal college operations through local radio stations and newspaper websites; WVC’s home page,; social media, signage on college entrances and through the WVC emergency text alert system.* Employees and students can sign up for emergency text alerts on the college homepage.


  1. All represented and non-represented classified employees will follow the current classified staff collective bargaining agreement as it relates to suspended operations and inclement weather.**
  2. Exempt employees scheduled and not required to work during a late start, an early closure or total suspended operations will have no loss in pay for less than a full week of no work performed during a suspended operations, however, must submit leave after the first full day of suspended operations.
  3. Non-emergency employees may be reassigned to similar positions at a location within a reasonable driving distance from the non-operational location during any disruption of service.
  4. Faculty employees are responsible to provide the time necessary to assist students in making up class time missed.
  5. Temporary hourly employees that have reported to work will be compensated for hours worked prior to being released.
  6. Any overtime worked during suspended operations will be compensated according to applicable overtime rules, laws and collective bargaining agreement.


  1. The following options are available to affected employees who are scheduled, but not required to work, for the balance of the suspended operations.
    1. Accrued compensatory time (for overtime-eligible employees).
    2. Accrued vacation.
    3. Personal holiday or holiday credit.
    4. Accrued sick leave.
    5. Leave without pay (for overtime eligible-employees).
    6. Make up lost time during the workweek.
  2. Employees may also work from home or change their schedule if mutually agreed upon with their supervisor.
  3. If a work location is operational but an employee is unable to report to work or remain at work because of severe inclement weather, conditions caused by severe inclement weather or natural disaster, the employee’s leave will be charged in the following order:
    1. Any earned compensatory time (for overtime-eligible employees).
    2. Any accrued vacation.
    3. Any accrued sick leave, up to a maximum of three days in any calendar year.
    4. Leave without pay.

Although the types of paid leave will be used in the order listed above, and each type of paid leave will be exhausted before the next is used, employees will be permitted to use leave without pay, their personal holiday or holiday credit rather than vacation or sick leave at their request.

*The college will try and use as many of the sources listed but does not guarantee all sources will be notified or have the information.

**Prior notice, for purposes of the classified collective bargaining unit means that affected employees will be notified as soon as possible in advance of their normally scheduled shift.

Supersedes 5.A.27
Approved by the president’s cabinet: 2/21/12, 12/15/15, 4/25/23
Last reviewed: 9/18/19
Procedure contact: Human Resources

Related policies and procedures
200.200 Closure of the College Policy